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Depending on the time of year we have a wide range of fruits and vegetables.

Results 1 - 10 of 23
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Fruit and veg

Raspberries 1kg

Fresh Irish Raspberries 1kg

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Fresh Blackcurrents 1kg

Fresh Blackcurrents 1kg

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Frozen Blueberries 1Kg

Frozen Blueberries 1Kg

13,50 €

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Plants for sale

Plants for sale

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Fresh Loganberries 1kg

Fresh Loganberries 1kg

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Frozen Blackberries 1Kg

Frozen Blackberries 1Kg

7,00 €

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Fresh Cherries 1kg

Fresh Cherries 1kg

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Fresh Red Gooseberries 1kg

Fresh Red Gooseberries 1kg

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Frozen Blackcurrant 1Kg

Frozen Blackcurrant 1Kg

6,00 €

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Fresh Blueberries 1kg

Fresh Blueberries 1kg

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